Monday, January 12, 2009

Tseven Weeks In Tsugaru

Today marks my 6th week in Japan, but already my time here is coming to an end faster than you can say "shinkansen". Time has passed quickly here, yet it has been jam packed full of learning and doing. There is never a dull moment around here!

My Japanese language abilities are limited to one term of learning in year 7 and what I pick up from watching anime or dramas. Therefore, it's not very much! However, God allayed any fears I had as I first got here. I was reading John and was reminded by the character of Philip that I can ask people to come and see to find out who Jesus is (John 1:43-46). Even though we can't communicate through language clearly, the way we live can be a way we point people to Jesus.

If you're reading this blog perhaps you are interested in what God is doing in Japan and/or keen to do a short-term here with Tsugaru Church, so I will attempt to briefly highlight some of my experiences here. And if you don't fall into either of those categories, don't worry, perhaps I can get you interested through my stories!

The next few posts from me will be about my time here... stay tuned.

- Sharon

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